Let's be honest, we all love hearing good things about ourselves! But seriously, we're very grateful to the following clients for sharing their experience of working with us.

Andy Visser, Associate Director, Media and Communications, University of Canberra
I would like to thank you both for the really valuable training session last week.
The session was described by some as ‘insightful’, ‘brilliant’, ‘inspired’ and “I learnt so much’! I think you hit all the right ‘notes’ and managed to help each one of us to identify how we can tackle our stories, pitches and approach to working with academics and the Faculties differently.

Michelle Ryan, CEO, Global Institute for Women’s Leadership
Our team found Media Bootcamp to be an exceptional experience.
The super tips and hands on practice sessions really boosted everyone’s confidence, from those with very limited media experience to others who were more practiced.
Thanks for a terrific day!

Sue Webeck, CEO, Domestic Violence Crisis Service
Media, Bootcamp trainers were outstanding to work with and very responsive to engaging in a way which best suited my needs…
This was a highly enjoyable engagement which has benefited my approach to the public facing requirements of my role in every interaction since.

Anthony Pesec, Renewable Energy Developer and Federal political candidate
"After the training, I had a clear understanding of how news values operate and what journalists want from an interviewee.
By the end of the four hours my body
language, confidence and messaging had improved manifold."

Victoria Firth-Smith, Australian National University
I hired Ginger and Sue to train ANU PhD candidates in 2020, and the brilliant Media Bootcamp offered early career researchers a complete guide on how to enhance media impact and communicate effectively.
Candidates who participated went on to win the 3 Minute Thesis Competition, get booked on radio and podcasts and organically grow their social media profiles. Ginger and Sue know their stuff, and they are wonderful at supporting academics to polish and present their important work to a global audience.

Melissa Neal, CEO, Murrumbidgee Primary Health Service
“Sue and Ginger’s media bootcamp training was superb. Together they put our team through their paces with practical advice and tips when giving a media interview across all three mediums.
Our executive team are infinitely more confident in media interviews and when involved in public speaking engagements. Their style tips for camera interviews have also been invaluable! Thank you!”

Carrie, Science communicator with Australian government organisation
I found this training to be high impact, accessible and useful. The instant feedback allowed me to build my skills and feel more confident in my delivery of key messages in multiple media platforms.
The use of real journalists gave us a sense of relevance and it was achieved in a short timeframe. Thank you, it was very productive and enjoyable.

Team member,
NSW Department of Industry
Training with Ginger and Sue was a great experience, a great insight into what a journo wants from me and how can give it to them.I would recommend this training to everyone who might ever get asked to work with the media, but more than that I would recommend Ginger and Sue for anyone that has to talk about their work in a public forum.

Team member, a national aged care provider
Media Bootcamp was transformational...I worked out my expertise and how I can apply that to my story. I found the training so valuable.

Maria Farmer, Maria Farmer Public Relations (Sydney)
I’m managing director of a high-profile and established PR firm based in Sydney. I work with clients ranging from successful international fashion designers, brand managers, graphic designers, major film and stage identities, and restaurateurs. As you can imagine some of my clients need cutting edge media training before they are ready to meet the press. To this end, I’ve referred numerous clients to Sue and Ginger. Once my clients complete this training, they are showing much greater confidence and are more able to handle media interviews in any medium - print, radio or TV. They also know how journalists operate and how to prepare for media interviews. I can’t recommend Sue and Ginger highly enough.

Team member, Murrumbidgee Regional Health Network
Just finished training with Ginger and Sue and it was a great experience, great insight into what a journo wants from me and how I can give it to them. Practical help and really great support with practicing for the three different media methods [TV, print and radio].
I would recommend this training to everyone who might ever get asked to work with the media, but more than that I would recommend Ginger and Sue for anyone that has to talk about their work in a public forum.

Eddie, Australian Government employee
Media Bootcamp gave us a rare glimpse into the brains of journalists and invaluable practical experience.
Sue and Ginger's work has featured in:

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